5 Reasons Dental Implants Are Superior to Other Teeth Replacement Options

May 21, 2024
Missing teeth can diminish confidence, make it harder to eat, and lead to irreversible bone loss that compromises oral health
Missing teeth can diminish confidence, make it harder to eat, and lead to irreversible bone loss that compromises oral health. Here’s what makes dental implants the restoration of choice for most patients and dentists alike.

Whether you’ve lost teeth to severe decay, advanced gum disease, or injury, chances are the empty spaces in your mouth make you feel self-conscious about your smile.  

Replacing them isn’t just a matter of aesthetics, though. Missing teeth increase your risk of developing severe oral health problems like jawbone loss, bite misalignment, tooth decay, and gum disease.

To solve all these problems simultaneously, Board Certified Dentist Jason Ray, located in Santa Monica, California, recommends custom dental implants. Here’s what makes implants the preferred restoration for dentists and patients. 

1. Dental implants are stable and durable

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots made of biocompatible titanium. Like a natural tooth root, these permanent restorations are firmly anchored into your jawbone for maximal stability. Then, they’re capped with a porcelain crown that is custom-shaped and tinted to blend with the rest of your smile seamlessly. 

The restoration is incredibly durable because the implant fuses to your jawbone as the surrounding tissues heal. You can expect your implants to be just as strong — or stronger — than your natural teeth.  

2. Dental implants offer full functionality

Securely fused to your jawbone, implants essentially become part of your mouth, similar to how an artificial joint becomes part of your body/

Implants help preserve normal bite force so you can eat your favorite foods — from corn on the cob to gummy bears — without worrying about how they might affect your dental work. And because they can’t inadvertently slip out of place like removable dentures, implants ensure clear speech every time you speak. 

3. Dental implants protect your oral health 

Missing teeth don’t just alter your appearance; they also compromise your oral health in a variety of profound ways. 

The gaps in your mouth can cause your remaining teeth to shift, creating misalignments that place uneven stress on your teeth, increasing the risk of excessive wear and decay. Empty spaces can also promote progressive bone loss that eventually changes the shape of your jaw and alters the appearance of your face. 

Dental implants are the only solution that prevents all of these problems. On top of keeping your natural teeth in place and maintaining proper bite alignment, implants stimulate the underlying jawbone to stay healthy and grow normally. They also help protect against abnormal wear and tear. 

4. Dental implants look completely natural 

While all dental restorations are custom-made, implants elevate the art of restoration to a new level. They are designed to fill gaps, fit your bite, and blend in with your natural teeth.

5. Dental implants are easy and convenient 

Implants feel and function like natural teeth. And unlike dentures, implants don’t require special precautions or care. Just brush and floss as usual, and visit us for a professional cleaning and checkup twice a year.

If you’re missing teeth, find out if you're a candidate for dental implants. Call Dr. Ray at (310) 581-5700 to book a consultation or request an appointment online.